Magnus - perro adopción Cruce

Español / English

▶ Magnus llegó a la perrera en marzo de 2023 y tenía aproximadamente 2 months de edad a su llegada. Él es un mestizo que fue encontrado vagando por las calles y llevado a la perrera.

Magnus llegó con sus dos hermanos Mateo y Molar. Los tres están muy asustados y tímidos con la gente.

▶ Magnus arrived at Los Barrios pound in March 2023 and was about 2 months old on arrival. He is a gorgeous cross breed that was found presumably abandoned in the streets and brought to the pound.

Magnus arrived at the pound with his two brothers. They were all three very scared and super timid with people, they would try to hide behind whatever they could find. They were introduced to some happy and playful dogs, which have helped them to come out of the cage and now also to interact with the volunteers. Magnus is the one that is improving the most, he is very cuorios and loves treats, so that is a huge help teaching him to trust people. Magnus needs a home with another friendly dog, that can help him to get some more confidence.

genero:Macho raza:Cruce altura:35 cm peso:6 kg cachorro Fecha nacimiento aproximada:01/2023(1 año, 2 meses) Fecha llegada:12/03/2023(1 año, 10 días)





junio / June

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