Jana - perro adopción Cruce [ADOPTADO]

Español / English:

Jana llegó a la perrera en abril de 2019 y tenía aproximadamente 12 meses de edad a su llegada. Es una mestiza que fue encontrada vagando por las calles y llevada a la perrera.

Jana llegó en un estado despreciable, piel y huesos sin apenas pelo. Era difícil creer que un cachorro ya pudiera estar en un lío tan grande, pero de seguro es un cachorro como ella. Ella ha dado negativo en las enfermedades mediterráneas y su falta de cabello se debió a la sarna que está siendo tratada y casi curada. Ella no deja que algunos momentos de picazón y agudos dolores de hambre se interpongan en su vida amorosa y que quieran dar y recibir amor. Es una niña divertida que se lleva bien con otros perros y le encanta jugar. Sea lo que sea, ella es una verdadera maravilla!

****** VIDEO 2/5-19: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE_JRmQ0G94 .******

JANA - AN 11 OUT OF 10!

Jana arrived at the pound in April 2019 and was approximately 6 months old on arrival. She is a female crossbreed who was found wandering the streets and brought to the pound.

Jana arrived in a despicable state, skin and bones with hardly any hair. It was hard to believe that a puppy could already be in such a mess but sure enough a puppy she is. She has tested negative for Mediterranean diseases and her lack of hair was due to mange which is being treated and almost cured. She doesn’t let some very itchy moments and acute hunger pains get in the way of her loving life and wanting to give and receive love. She is a fun young girl who gets on well with other dogs and loves to play. She is an unusual mix and may be a cross between a mastin and a Setter. Whatever she is she is a true stunner!

Jana is available for adoption in Germany, UK, Sweden, Finland, Holland, Spain and many other countries. Homecheck and adoption fee apply. Adoption fee includes neutering, passport, microchip, all vaccinations, blood tests to screen for diseases, worm and flea treatment.

genero:Hembra raza:Cruce altura:50 cm peso:17 kg cachorro Fecha nacimiento aproximada:04/2018(1 año, 4 meses) Fecha llegada:10/04/2019(4 meses, 3 días)



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